Test Your Knowledge #1: CRYPTIC CROSSWORD
Crossword by Tania Wild for All Things Tanning | www.allthingstanning.com
3. Author of this Puzzle Fun – Test Your Knowledge #1
4. The sweetest tanner
10. Shoot it for beauty, not for the kill
11. A scale of diversity
14. Blending protection and perfection
15. What goes up, must come down
18. Professional home
19. Made for blanking the canvas
20. Is your date warm, cool or neutral?
22. Fine art by air
24. An inedible dessert
27. Forgery, counterfeit
31. One offs, throw away
32. Customise your colour
33. Build up to your best look
34. Smooth view, no lines
35. The worst colour
1. Chiselling perfection for competition
2. Breathe easy with me
3. Your host with the most
5. Shed the old you
6. Fast and furious colour
7. Used to colour and contour
8. Gentle defence
9. Returning skin to it’s best
12. 4 across’ best friend
13. Colour me beautiful, what we do
16. The golden rule after sunless tanning
17. What is sunless tanning?
18. The safest tan is ——-
21. Last minute event life savers
23. High Velocity Low Pressure (abbrev.)
24. The spray tan gun connects to the spray tan ——-
25. It’s our industry
26. On the road
28. The answer to everything
29. Sugars and proteins, the stages of browning, ——– reaction
30. A blonde’s best protection